Congratulations to the Stratford Team for being selected as the 2022 Design for Change Ambassador Team.
They will be joining us in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian for the Design for Change Global Conference in November, 2022.
Together, kindergarten, first, and second grade have combined their efforts to educate our community with an eBook they put together with heartfelt empathy. Their goal is to help educate people of all ages on how we can help prevent food waste, advocate for endangered species, and take action against insect biodiversity loss in our own ecosystem.

Developing Empathy
Each grade had a different focus for our sustainable goal:
Be a Food Hero!
Learners will understand the impact food waste has on the Earth and take action to decrease their environmental footprint.
1st Grade
Advocate for Animals
Learners will know how habitat loss is a leading cause of animal endangerment and take action to advocate for endangered species.
2nd Grade
Love a Bug!
Learners will understand the importance of insects and take action to address insect biodiversity loss in ecosystems.

Ways To Inspire Our Community
Across the grades they had many ideas, but due to the pandemic it made it much harder to include our direct community to be involved. Students thought about ways we can inspire our community through social media and online so they can take part in our messages. So they came up with the idea to make a book to educate their family, friends, peers, and community.

Using Their Talents to Promote Their Cause
In order for us to create our book, we came up with the topics about our issues that we wanted to educate others on. Then we wanted to provide simple solutions that anyone can accomplish in their own homes. From there, students decided upon "recipes" they wanted to create. We then compiled the list and structured the book with a Table of Contents. Students worked together to make a rough draft and final drafts. Finally, we put the book together and uploaded it online.
Students put together a video to inform others about their project and what it is about. We also made a website to explain our mission.

Inspiring Others
We are still in the process of collecting donations for our ebook. We shared a video on our project, website, and our ebook online. The organization we were raising money for also wrote back directly tour students about how they were appreciated that we were raising money for their initiative.
So far, we have raised over $200, but the donations are still coming in.
